Benefits of Leasing from Leasing Services
Our Services Save You Time and Money!
We order large number of vehicles and pass the savings on to you.
We assist with all major manufacturers' national fleet account enrollment so you can take advantage of their fleet incentives.
Fuel Cards - Card that will track mileage, fuel purchases, and maintenance schedules. Also protects against fraudulent charges.
Vehicle Acquisition— Let us show you how we can save you thousands on acquisitions of the perfect vehicles for your business.
Disposal—we can recondition and sell your retired fleet vehicles.(Retail and wholesale channels available).
Accident Management—we handle repairs, rentals, and diminished value claims with insurance companies.
Property Tax Management.
Additional services available as needs arise or upon request.
More benefits from leasing include.....
Flexiblity - Leasing enables you to free your capital for alternative investments and business costs.
Off-Balance Sheet Accounting - A properly structured lease can have a positive impact on your income statement.
Fixed monthly payments.
Experienced - Our leasing executives understand your leasing needs.
Full Warranty Protection
Convenience - Front door delivery. Assist in the sale of off-lease vehicles.
Tax Advantages.